Last night, we had our first Conservative Policy Forum since the Local Elections. The agenda was centred on “Making The Case for Responsibility”.
The topic explored how the rise of individualism, technological advancements, and persistent inequalities have challenged the traditional view of responsibility. Therefore, the social and economic shifts have created difficulties in defining responsibility and its role in the 21st century.
The questions of the discussion included:
1. How would you make the case for responsibility as a distinctive Conservative value and the ways in which it should be a guiding principle in policymaking?
2. How might the importance and benefits of responsibility for both individuals and society be effectively communicated, encouraged and fostered in individuals and communities, especially among young people and those who may not prioritise it?
3. How should Conservatives balance the value of personal responsibility with the need for a social safety net for those who are truly in need?
4. What are the major threats to responsibility? How can society protect against those who may abuse responsibility to take advantage of others or justify discrimination and unfair treatment of marginalised groups?
5. How might the responsibilities of the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland be better balanced with those of the UK government?
6. How might specific policies in each of the following areas better reflect Conservative views of responsibility?
i. Cost of living
ii. Energy security
iii. Health and social care
iv. Global influence
7. Is there any other observation you would like to make?
The purpose of the Forums is to create a space for individuals to debate and discuss ideas. The Forums are a great opportunity to meet like-minded individuals, and the ideas we generate help to inform the wider policy debate and build the policy platform for the Party.
The Forums are open to the public, so you do not have to be a member of the Conservative Party to participate. If you are interested in getting involved, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.