Nikki Kelly has been selected to stand in Illingworth and Mixenden Ward, at the upcoming local elections.
Nikki has a joined-up plan to deliver a better deal for her community:
Levelling-up Illingworth and Mixenden. The Conservatives have a plan to invest in our community through our £2 million Estate Regeneration Fund. Our Plan would provide investment in community and sports facilities, local parks and to implement initiatives to deter crime and anti-social behaviour. Illingworth and Mixenden has been ignored and left behind, this is your chance to vote for the investment that our community desperately needs.
Beating Crime Plan. The Conservative Government are recruiting more 'Bobbies on the beat' to deter crime and make our streets safe, this is accompanied with an increase in CCTV and street light coverage. Locally, your Conservative Team would recruit more community wardens with mobile CCTV vans to clamp down on anti-social behaviour and fly-tipping. Additionally, Nikki will campaign for a Police Hub in North Halifax.
Community Payback Scheme and cleaning up our streets. Nikki will campaign for Calderdale Council to embrace the Conservative Government's new Community Payback Scheme which will make those on community sentences clean up our streets, tidy up litter, and remove graffiti. We need a zero tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour, and for offenders to repay their debt to society.
Protecting our children. Nikki is backing the same calls made by Robbie Moore MP for Keighley, for a 'Rotherham Style' inquiry into grooming in Calderdale, which would look into why the authorities failed to protect our children and deliver justice for the victims. The Labour-run Council and Labour Mayor have ruled out an inquiry, we will not let them sweep this issue under the carpet.
The future of the Mixenden Activity Centre. Nikki is demanding a proper public consultation before any decisions are made about the future of the site, previously home to the Mixenden Activity Centre. Mixenden residents are used to the Labour-run Council ignoring their wishes and forcing through unpopular decisions, and failing to deliver on their promises. They promised us a retail unit and free cash machine at the Mixenden Hub - both facilities are no longer on the table. The Labour-run Council must start listening to the wishes of residents.
More affordable and better quality social housing. We have a large waiting list for social housing in our community and the existing stock of homes are unsatisfactory. We need more homes to be built on brownfield sites in Illingworth and Mixenden, with smaller and accessible units for our elderly residents. The Conservative Government is determined to deliver the next generation of social housing, increase home ownership and provide better quality rental properties.
If you live in Illingworth, Mixenden, Holmfield, Bradshaw or Ogden - vote for Nikki Kelly on Thursday 5 May, don't let Labour take you for granted.